About Anurag

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From not enrolling at IIT to giving up a jet-setting career as an IIM-minted management consultant for the travails of entrepreneurship, Anurag has an affinity for the road less travelled. So it isn’t strange that he began writing at 50.

Strictly speaking, it’s his second attempt. The first one at school, was up and down. The thrill of seeing his short story in the school magazine turned sour on discovering that the magazine editors had misattributed the murder mystery to a classmate. But egged on by a teenage crush on his language teacher, Anurag kept writing, winning first prize in a citywide creative writing contest. It is the last piece he remembers writing for decades.

The dry spell was broken by a pandemic enforced solitude, which induced him to start again. The outcome is a soon to be published novel and some musings on this website.

A self-confessed Indophile, Anurag is curious about philosophy, history and human behavior. Yet to muster the belligerent conviction commonplace on social media, he prefers the immersive reality of a well-written story and the nuance afforded by the long-form essay. He blogs under the moniker WhatsApp Watcher.

Anurag lives in Bengaluru with his wife Krithika and son Amay.