A Curious Land Of Countless Tales
Welcome to the magic real world of medieval Katha, the unusual setting for contemporary debates. In an age of ubiquitous social media, the idea behind the novel came from an intriguing question of our times—what subjects should be taboo in a WhatsApp group?
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Sunlight fades as eager crowds throng to the Tree of Stories. It’s time for the telling, and no one wants to miss the start. The gong rings, a cloaked figure appears on stage, and all at once, the torches go dark. It’s storytime.
Katha, a land of curious traditions, flowers and countless tales. Where people adore stories. Everyone but Aarya. Stories are frivolous, he thinks, and wants them forbidden. Like they are in Varjit, the land of prohibitions.
It appears he might get his wish. The telling ends with an ominous announcement. Bhaya, the despotic overlord of Varjit, has embarked on a campaign to destroy all stories.
A quirk of fate puts young Aarya in charge of protecting Katha, its magical tree, and the stories that spring from it. Unprepared and unwilling, Aarya is sucked into a riveting adventure filled with twists and turns, with improbable allies and unlikely foes.
Can Aarya rise to the challenge? Or, will Bhaya’s conquering commandments erase Katha’s stories? [/expand]
Katha, a land of curious traditions, flowers and countless tales. Where people adore stories. Everyone but Aarya. Stories are frivolous, he thinks, and wants them forbidden. Like they are in Varjit, the land of prohibitions.
It appears he might get his wish. The telling ends with an ominous announcement. Bhaya, the despotic overlord of Varjit, has embarked on a campaign to destroy all stories.
A quirk of fate puts young Aarya in charge of protecting Katha, its magical tree, and the stories that spring from it. Unprepared and unwilling, Aarya is sucked into a riveting adventure filled with twists and turns, with improbable allies and unlikely foes.
Can Aarya rise to the challenge? Or, will Bhaya’s conquering commandments erase Katha’s stories? [/expand]